Brian Gilbert - Enlightenment

It's A Go!
Posted By: Brian Gilbert on January 3, 2019

It's a go!! If you're reading this, it means my wife Charlotte is in surgery receiving her long awaited heart and lungs. While we celebrate a chance at a longer life through transplant, another family grieves over the loss of their loved one who chose to donate their organs so people like my wife can live longer.

Anxiety, stress, excitement, uncertainty, exhaustion, thankful, and being humbled are all felt during the times leading up to transplant. Our journey to transplant has been packed with emotions. In processing all of these feelings, I've been working on this poem for a few months. It didn't start out as poem, but ended up as such since it seems to better convey some of my feelings about our journey. I could've made the poem much longer but decided to try and keep it simple. I also wanted to make it generic because I feel what I've written can or does apply to all transplant patients. I hope you enjoy It's A Go! Special thanks to David Hogsette for helping with the edits.

It's A Go! Transplant poem by Brian Gilbert

Although the poem is generic, there are some points of interest that are specific to us. The width of the image is 315px. 315 is Charlotte's lucky number. The font is called Georgia based on where she was raised and where we live. She received her heart/lung transplant at Duke University Hospital. The background color is Duke Blue (Hex #001A57) and the font color is Cool Gray 3 (Hex #E5E5E5) which is also in the Duke Color Palette as well as my rank in the Air Force when we met (E5 - SSGT).

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