I woke up this morning and checked my email. I had a message from Facebook saying "Somebody recently asked to reset your Facebook password. Click here to change your password. Didn't request this change? If you didn't request a new password, let us know immediately."
I hovered over the links in the email to see where they were going. I determined this to be a legitimate email from Facebook and not a phishing scheme.
This means someone probably attempted to login as me on Facebook using my email address. When they couldn't figure out my password, they attempted a password reset.
I see numerous articles about people having their various social media accounts hacked. If their password were more secure, their account might not have gotten 'hacked'.
Here are some examples of how to make a password stronger yet still be able to remember it.
If your password is password (and you'd be surprised how many people use this as their password), you can make it stronger by doing something like P@$$w0rd. Replace the a with an @ and the s' with $'s. I also replaced the o with a zero 0. If you look at my strong version, you can still see that it says password, yet it's much stronger than just 'password'.
Another thing people use as passwords are their children's name and or birth dates. These names are usually published publicly on their profile on Facebook along with pictures of the birthday parties. Too easy to figure out for hackers. If you insist on using your children's name(s) at least encrypt them a bit. Examples, change an e to a 3, an a to an @, an o to a zero 0. If your childs name is Brandon and your password is Brandon, change it to Br@nd0n. And if Brandon is the first child maybe add a 1 to the end of his name instead of his birthday or the last 4 digits of your phone number.
Keep in mind that hackers know of these methods so you'll need to add something to the password to make it unique. And in my opinion, your personal Facebook account should be locked down from the public so only minimal information is shown. The less information a hacker has about you, the less helpful you are in helping them get your personal information.
The bottom line is you can still have easy to remember passwords, but they can be much more secure than they are now by changing a few characters and adding something unique to the beginning or end.